Six weeks of Robotics Challenge
On January 8th we initiated a brainstorming process that ended five days later with an initial program for creating pupils' ideas regarding to how their robot will look like. During the first week the basis for the robot wheel drive was completed. All assembling took place at the science center. On the second week we took three different pupils, each day, to the Israeli Navy Shipyard that adopted the team and assisted in designing and manufacturing the robots components. There the pupils assisted in constructing the robot and also watched the manufacturing process. Although it was difficult to take the pupils from their formal classes and drove them to Navy shipyard and back to the village, the students experienced an amazing process. I must mention that the mentors who have worked with me did a great job with the students.
Developing a Design - Learning from Mistakes
The design worked fine, and at the end of the third week we had a working robot without ramps. The whole team saw the robot working in the science center and we gathered to do another brainstorming to make a final decision about the chosen idea for the creation of the ramps. We have returned to the third week of manufacturing in the Navy Shipyard. We have constructed the ramps but while assembling them to the robot we discover that the lift raised the arm too slowly while the ramps are on the system. We failed to supplement the driving motor of the lift with a gear because it was too slowly.
Final Product - Great Appreciation
During the last two weeks for the manufacturing and assembling
processes in the Navy Shipyard we encountered difficulties in convincing students to leave their regular class's schedule. In the last week we succeeded to complete a robot with new ramps that functioned very well. Our robot could put, in less than two minuets, five tubes on the rack and reach the home zone and open its ramps waiting for the two alliance robots to climb on the ramps simultaneously from the robot's two sides. We sent the robot on time to the Israeli regional.
A Practice Robot
Due to the lack of time to practice we have decided to construct a second robot. This time the Navy Shipyard manufactured the missing components and all the assembly process was done in the class below the science center – this room is now our new robotic workshop.
The first off-season event in the History of FIRST ISRAEL
We were able to host a special event in Yemin Orde sports center. We have invited three senior teams to a friendly match prior to the competition. The event had an amazing impact on the teams' experience. For the first time in the History of FIRST Israel an off season event took place. Students from different schools met and shared their knowledge.
A month later we have competed against some of the best schools in Israel and lost at the semi-finals to the Israeli champions, for three years, MisCar1574. We were very proud of the team achievement.

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